Determination of University Students' Readiness and Anticipation Levels about the E-Learning Process
This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine university students' readiness and anticipation levels regarding the e-learning process. The population of the study consisted of nursing students (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade) in the Health College of a university. No random sampling was performed. Volunteer students enrolled in the department during the 2018-2019 academic year who agreed to participate in the study constituted the study sample. Data were collected using the "Personal Information" form, which included questions about students' socio-demographic characteristics prepared by the researchers based on literature reviews, the “Scale of Readiness and Anticipations for the e-Learning Process", and the "Scale of Satisfaction with the e-Learning Process". Data were analyzed using the SPSS 25 package program. The significance level was accepted as p˂0.05. The mean age of the students was 21.5±1.8 and 67.2% of them were female. The total score average of the readiness and expectation scale related to the e-learning process of the School of Health students (101.14±1.52) and the total score average of the Satisfaction Scale related to the e-learning process (102.96±2.26) were found at a high level. As a result, it has been determined that the students participating in the study believe that they have personal characteristics that can receive education in e-learning environments. In addition, it has been found that students are satisfied with the communication features and usefulness of their e-learning environment.
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