Self-Efficacy and The Assertive of Midwives Towards Early Detection of Preeclampsia among Pregnant Women

  • Lusianah Meinawati Diploma of Midwifery Study Program, Insan Cendikia Medika Institute of Technology, Science, and Health, Jombang, Indonesia
Keywords: self-efficacy, assertivity, early detection, preeclampsia


Preeclampsia in pregnancy is a condition that can threaten the health of both mother and baby. Optimal midwifery service standards are necessary and very important to be implemented so that they have an impact on reducing maternal and infant mortality rates. The aim of the research is to analyze the influence self-efficacy and the assertiveness of midwives in early detection of preeclampsia in pregnant women. Type of observational research design cross sectional. The research subjects were 100 independent practicing midwives in the work area of ​​the Jombang Regency Health Center, taken using techniques Multistage random sampling. Exogenous variables self-efficacy and assertiveness and the endogenous variable is preeclampsia detection. The instrument uses a questionnaire. Data were analyzed quantitatively with correlation tests Chi-Square and logistic regression. The research results showed that midwives with self-efficacy good ones (72%) and midwives with high assertiveness (72%). The analysis results show that the T-statistic value self-efficacy of 4.196 and the T-statistic value of assertiveness is 4.099, which is the significance level self-efficacy of 0.032 and assertiveness of 0.028 (p<0.05). Thus, H0 is rejected, and Ha is accepted, this shows that self-efficacy and assertiveness influence early detection of preeclampsia in pregnant women. Self-efficacy and the positive assertiveness of midwives has a strong direct influence on midwives' performance in early detection of preeclampsia in pregnant women. Self-efficacy and assertiveness have equally important contributions in building individual characteristics so that they do not have significant differences.


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How to Cite
Lusianah Meinawati. Self-Efficacy and The Assertive of Midwives Towards Early Detection of Preeclampsia among Pregnant Women. NHSJ [Internet]. 2024Sep.10 [cited 2024Oct.15];4(3):293-9. Available from: